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Full-Time Positions in the Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship

Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship at National Sun

Yat-Sen University in Taiwan seeks to fill a full-time position of

Assistant Professor starting August 1, 2021.

The successful candidate will have expertise and a doctoral degree(s) in

one or more of the following areas: Visual Arts, Museology, Organizational

Management, Public Administration, Arts Leadership, Art Business, or

Cultural Entrepreneurship, Applicants must have a doctorate degree and at

least 3-5 years of experience in arts administration and experience

teaching at the university level.

Faculty duties include teaching up to six courses at the graduate level per

academic year, conducting active research, participating in course and

curriculum development, and mentoring students, as well as providing

service to the department, college and the university. This is a full-time

appointment that leads to a competitive tenure track. Salary is

commensurate with research rank and teaching experience.

The submission deadline is 30 Sep. 2020. To apply, please submit a letter

of application, copy of diploma of the highest degree (bachelor degree or

above), transcripts, copies of certificates of employment history, copy of

passport, curriculum vitae (including a 2-inch photo), list of recent

publications, copy of master/ doctoral dissertation, and three letters of

recommendation to the following address:

Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship

National Sun Yat-sen University,

No.70, Lien-hai Road,

Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan

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